Bre Big Fish

Brewarinna Fishing Club Annual Carp Muster

Making a Difference - LLCI023-001

The issue

The Barwon River that flows through the Brewarrina Region in Western NSW is regularly utilised by the Brewarrina Fishing Club for recreational Fishing.

In recent years the group were becoming increasingly aware of the diminishing numbers of Native Fish in there water ways and the increased turbidity levels as a result of Introduced Carp species in the River System.

Carp are a key threat to ecological communities as there feeding behaviors have led to increased turbidity levels in the waterways and have undermined riverbanks.

Threatened Native Fish species in the Barwon River include: Macquarie Perch, Trout Cod, Silver Perch, Southern purple- spotted gudgeon, Olive Perchlet, Southern pygmy perch and Murray hardyhead.

The solution

As a result the Brewarrina Fishing Club decided to hold an annual 'Bre Big Fish and Carp Muster'.

The fishing club sought support from local community groups and individuals that came in the form off in kind time, venue donations and prizes. Funding was sought through Local Land Services Western Region and a guest speaker from DPI Fisheries attended.

A three day event was established and hosted in Brewarrina on the June Long Weekend 2016. Attendees of the event participated in recreational fishing. Native fish were returned to the water way when caught and Carp were brought back into town to be measured and weighed and contribute to the total removed for the weekend and prizes were given for the biggest Carp caught.

Participants also had the opportunity to listen to Matt Barwick Senior Fisheries Manager with DPI Fisheries talk on the Carp Herpes Virus.

The impact

The major success of this weekend was the number of participants that attended the three day event. With over 400 anglers from across NSW throwing in a line to support the fishing club, the education across a wide range of people and age demographics on the importance of Carp removal was raised.

The Brewarrina Fishing Club were also able to raise a total of $15,000 which will all be used to purchase native fingerlings and return them to the water ways with the hope to in the long term increase the number of Native Fish in the Barwon River

Author: alyssa

Key facts

  • over 400 anglers from across NSW
  • Education on the impact on carp
  • Information on emerging carp control measures
  • $15,000 raised for restocking of native fingerlings

Project Partners