Euston Community Learns to Save Lives

Landcare Group hosts First Aid Training and Mental Health Awareness in Drought Conditions

Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI023-028

The issue

Euston Regional Landcare formed in November 2017 to address the needs of its rural members in training, education, large scale sustainable agriculture projects and coordination of pest management. Since its inaugral meeting in 2017 the group have found that on numerous occasions members have asked for some first aid training to be done since they feel there is little first aid knowledge in their community and this posses a serious safety risk particularly since they are so remote.

In much of remote Australia mental health is an issue that is not talked about often enough. A possible results of drought is broken families and communities that require help economically, physically and mentally. This means that there is also a need for discussion to take place in the Benanee community about mental health, how to take care of yourself and recognise when someone is in trouble and what to do to help them.

The solution

Euston Reigonal Landcare organised for a recognised and certified first aid traininer to deliver a full day course to its members and wider community, many of whom are members of the local fire brigade. As part of this training will be short presentation on mental health provided by the Rural Adversity Mental Health Program that will educate the community members on how to look after themselves after a natural disaster or drought, how to recognise if others are having mental health problems and how to respond and find help for those issues. The project was designed to equip the remote community of Benanee and Euston with the knowledge to be prepared and resilient to drought and emergency situations while bringing them closer to their local Rural Fire Service members.

The impact

1. Increased the Benaee and Euston communities capacity to manage emergency situations both during and after an event occurs.

2. Stengthen the partnership between community, Euston Regional Landcare, Western Landcare NSW and the Rural Fire Service (Benanee Branch)

3. Encourage and empower participants to take responsibility of their local emergency management by becoming a volunteer with their local brigade.

Author: Louise Turner

Key facts

  • You would be surprised by how many people take an interest in mental health talks so that they are better equipped to take care of themselves and others.

Project Partners