Euston Landcare Group Rehabilitation

Local Landcare Coordinator restarts the old Euston Landcare Group

Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI023-019

The issue

The threat of wild dogs that prey on wildlife and farmers livestock is becoming increasingly more real for farmers in south western NSW. At the center of south western NSW, just south of Mungo National Park, lives a group of farmers with growing concerns and a growing desire to make a change. This area was also a spot where no current Landcare Groups were operating making it an area of focus for Western Landcare NSW and Local Landcare Coordinator, Henry Gregory. Landholders needed to made aware of the incoming threat and become organised in their preparation.

The solution

To inform landholders in the area of wild dogs and their increasing prevelance; Henry arranged with Western Local Land Services staff to speak at numerous Biosecurity Workshops that were being held in the area. At the workshops Henry spoke not only of wild dogs and the problems they will bring, but the solution to these problems: Landcare. Henry encouraged landholders to form groups to coordinate their current fox baiting and prepare to tackle dogs. Taking advantage of a local fire meeting Henry with the help of a few landholders reformed the old Euston Landcare Group under the new name of Euston Regional Landcare Inc.

The impact

It is still early days for the group and not everything is currently set up. But the group are keen to work together to to coordinated baiting and other pest and weed control. Henry found that many members of the group were also enthusiastic to get stuck into other NRM projects and farm training such as first aid, working dog schools etc. The group is mostly made up of young farmers who are ready to work together to improve their land. The new group has also seen many young farmers take on leadership roles within the group providing confidence and collaboration within the small community.

Author: Henry Gregory

Key facts

  • Landholders new to Landcare have revitalized the old Euston Landcare Group.
  • The group are new to landcare and as young farmers are ready to work together to manage pests and improve their country.

Project Partners
