Vertebrate Pest Forums in the Western Region

Increasing landholder knowledge of pest species, their movements and management strategies

Taking Action - MEPAAW-WT-03

The issue

Vertebrate pests are an ongoing issue in the Western Region of New South Wales. Research shows that the dingo population is spreading, and the predation of both dingoes and feral pigs are listed as Key Threatening Processes by the NSW DPI. Despite being an increasing issue, many areas still do not have a coordinated baiting program and landholders are not being provided the necessary feedback and information required to put successful management strategies in place.

The solution

Through funding from the MEPAAW project, and in partnership with AWI, NSW Farmers Association and the NSW DPI, we were able to plan a series of information forums across the region to not only provide feedback on the changing population of vertebrate pests, but also the results from ongoing dingo DNA testing. The forums would also look at current Best Management Practices, integrated forms of control and monitoring (including the use of cameras for trapping purposes) and raise the awareness to landholders and others of the impact these species have on our Western landscape.

The impact

We had a great turnout for the forums, with almost 200 people attending across the 4 days. Landholders were given feedback on the DNA testing that is currently being done on the dingo population, based on samples being submitted by the landholders themselves. There was also a lot of discussion around pest habits and movements across the landscape, with tracking data shown from GPS collaring programs that are currently underway for both feral pigs and dingoes. Feedback from attendees after the forums suggested that everyone came away with a greater understanding of the pest problems our region faces and greater confidence in implementing a pest management program on their own properties. 

Author: Louise Turner

Key facts

  • Vertebrate pests are causing increasing problems in the Western Region, especially feral pigs and dingoes.
  • Dingoes in particular have been shown to be spreading further East from the Western border of NSW.

Project Partners