Revitalising Groups

Local Landcare Coordinator bringing back the energy

Reaching Out - LLCI023-002

The issue

Without on ground support for some time, local Landcare and Rangecare groups in the Western Region had lost momentum.

Some groups had not had a meeting in several years, others had their membership dwindle down from 40 to only 5. Groups were in 'survival' mode and finding it difficult to maintain motivation and energy.

The solution

The introduction of a Local Landcare Coordinator who was dedicated to reaching out to existing groups and supporting them in fulfilling their intended purpose saw dormant or inactive groups brought back to life.

The Landcare Coordinator contacted group committees and arranged opportunities to meet with them and listen to their concerns. Together plans were made and acted for bringing members back into the groups and for encouraging new membership. For one group, Pine Creek Area Rangecare Group, the Landcare Coordinator phoned every single landholder in that group's boundary and invited them to the group.

The Coordinator also went on local radio to renew Landcare's presence in the region as well as being present at local field days and community events in order to further engage the local community.

The impact

Pine Creek Area Rangecare Group held their first meeting in three years with more than 15 people in attendance. They have now grown their contact list to include many properties that were previously unengaged and have planned regular meetings.

Broken Hill Landcare have also increased their membership and lowered the average age of members with more young people attracted to the group due to partnership with local schools and community groups forged with assistance from the Landcare Coordinator. They have received more than $4000 in funding since the Landcare Coordinator came on board.

Author: alyssa

Key facts

  • Group memberships double with support from Landcare Coordinator
  • Landcare groups engaging in more activities with local community