Revitalising Landcare in Broken Hill
Reviving a decade-old group that had gone stagnant
Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI023-035
The issue
Landcare Broken Hill was formed in 2008 by a group of dedicated volunteers who wanted to support the local Regeneration Reserves. The group also worked to help increase their community’s awareness and understanding of the needs and benefits of local endemic flora species by holding workshops and community events.
In the last two years the group had, for several reasons, become almost stagnant. An AGM had not been held since March 2017, and no Ordinary Meetings had been held since September 2017. Interest had all but completely faded and the group was in danger of being closed down.
The solution
With the arrival of a new Local Landcare Coordinator, it was imperative that the group either be resurrected or dissolved. All current members were contacted to ascertain if they still had an interest in being a part of Landcare Broken Hill, and if they would be willing to take on a role on the Executive Committee. Committee members would need to be passionate and enthusiastic about reviving the group and keeping the members interested and engaged.
An AGM was called for the middle of April 2019 to decide the group’s fate. Almost 20 people turned out at the meeting, and a full Executive was voted in. Some amazing ideas were discussed on how to revive the group and bring in more new members, and the excitement and eagerness in the room were palpable. The new President had many topics he wanted to address and was intent on getting support from local council, local media and local businesses. A motion to undertake a new project called Greening the Hill Mk. II was moved, and Landcare Broken Hill was back up on its feet.
The impact
Since the AGM, there has been an outstanding response. The President of the group has participated in both radio and newspaper interviews, and managed to secure the entire front page of the local newspaper on the 1st of May. He has also secured a weekly time slot on the ABC radio station to discuss Landcare issues, and a weekly article in the local newspaper on the group’s movements and plans going forward. Several businesses have approached the group to discuss partnerships, and new membership requests have been steadily flowing in. Broken Hill City Council is also keen to get involved, which is an exciting opportunity to develop a better relationship between Landcare Broken Hill and the council.
Key facts
- Landcare Broken Hill has been around since 2008, but has been stagnant for the last two years.
- Holding an AGM was essential to deciding the group's future.
- Group activity and interest has boomed since.
- The group has been approached to partner in a project with the local council.