Western Warriors
Providing expert environmental activities to regional and remote schools.
Collaborations - LEP_045_18
The issue
Funding to run activities in Far West NSW is the biggest challenge. Working together with other agencies, groups and businesses can be tricky. Distance between regional schools takes time, driving from one school to another can be a day of driving and requires overnight accommodation. Working within school hours can also be difficult with many schools having different break times. Creating fun, interactive, environmental activities that are educational, transportable and durable can be time-consuming and challenging. Delivering activities at school needs to be simple and contextualised for students to gain the best experience and outcome.
The solution
Finding a grant that would cover the cost of creating and sourcing materials along with specialised activities such as Dreamtime stories and cultural awareness activities. Western Warriors involved 5 agencies working collaboratively to deliver quality innovative activities that are hands-on, visually and physically interactive. Traveling together, visiting one school in the morning and another in the afternoon, where possible, worked quite well. Activities were run concurrently and consecutively so all students experienced each activity. The cultural activity included students learning and understanding the different uses of the boomerang, along with painting a boomerang they could keep using symbols and techniques recently acquired.
The impact
Roadshows like Western Warriors are vital for growth, learning and development for Far West Regional and Remote schools. Rarely do these schools have the opportunity to experience expert teachings and activities or visits from agencies or businesses, most of the learning is undertaken with their school teachers. Working with other agencies, taking and delivering environmental interactive activities at school has a much wider impact and impression on students and teachers. Aiding in better learning and outcomes for students. Feedback and evaluation sheets provided are proof of the success Western Warriors have had around the Far West region.
What worked
- Delivering at School
- Hands-on, Positive Engagement, Fun
- Working with like-minded people prepared to travel and turn up!
What didn't work
- Large numbers of students in each group
- Travelling long distance & visiting too many schools in a short time frame
Key facts
- Collaboration
- Engagement
- Hands-on Interactional