Abuklea Road Bushcare Group work in Dence Park, Epping
Natural and Cultural Heritage
- Soil derived from Hawkesbury Sandstone
- Vegetation is Community A: E. piperita – A. costata Open Forest
- The site is heritage listed and is regarded as being of local heritage significance with the swimming pool complex a WW11 memorial and Bunya and Stone Pines.
- The swimming pool was the first pool constructed by Hornsby Shire Council and is a Memorial to the Second World War. It was an Olympic sized pool and there was a Ladies Bowling Club and a restaurant in the original ‘Everglades.’ The pool has always been very popular with school groups. The park is named after John Dence who purchased the property of seven acres in 1902.
Conservation Status
- Reserve adjoins Lane Cove National Park and contains significant bushland habitat that is part of the Terrys Creek bushland corridor
- The bushland is very poor along the creek and adjacent to Dence Park pool. The core area of Abuklea Road bushland is rated as good.
- Water quality is affected by urban runoff and runoff from Epping Aquatic Centre which is subject to an EPA pollution license.