The property consists of 2 cottages and a meditation hut, set in 1.3 hectares of typical Sydney sandstone bushland dominated by eucalypts, angophoras and a series of sandstone ledges, and adjoining Lane Cove National Park. Since a planned burn within the last ten years, post-fire germination has resulted in a dense growth of acacias, grevilleas and other shrub species with prolific winter-spring flowering. The bushcare group focuses on controlling garden escapes and local weeds which are threatening to invade regenerating areas.
The group has been meeting monthly since 2008, led by a trained supervisor, and has made great progress. New volunteers are always welcome.
Ahimsa is named for the Buddhist virtue of nonviolence. It was donated to the Trust in 1970 by Marie Byles, Australia’s first woman solicitor and also noted conservationist and author, to ensure the preservation of the bushland as a haven for future generations.
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