Station Creek Restoration
A combination of local landcarers, contractors and the general public work together to restore a riparian corridor connecting a wetland to a lagoon.
Capacity to Deliver - LP-022-040
The issue
Coral Tree infestations impacted directly on the riparian ecosystem, and made it difficult and dangerous for local carers to access all areas for their restoration works. Fragments of the trees, and other invasive species, tended to wash into the downstream lagoon during floods.
The solution
A professional contractor was engaged to bring a large header-mulcher on site, to completely shred most of the coral trees, after they had been poisoned to prevent reshooting. The machine was able to reach to the canopy and shred an entire tree in a matter of minutes. An arborist subsequently cut down and mulched those trees which the large mulcher could not reach. A bush regeneration contractor will help the local group deal with the remaining weeds, and replant. A community working bee day assisted with the latter. The Landcare Riparian Restoration Grant program is funded through the NSW Government’s $200 million Regional Recovery Package.
The impact
Invasive weeds have been removed from the creek and will no longer pose a risk to the EECs in the lagoon, and the local group can now easily and safely maintain the creek ecosystem in a healthy state. The new understory plants will enhance the biodiversity corridor for small birds especially, to travel between the wetlands and lagoon, and the newly planted canopy species will enhance the food supply for the grey headed flying fox and other nectar eaters.
By keeping the time-line flexible we were able to cope with ongoing wet weather events. The large mulching head was so efficient that we now have funds left over, which we are seeking to spend on more plants and contractor regeneration hours.
Key facts
- Invasive species have been removed from a creek which joins two ecologically significant riparian systems.
- The local landcare group can now maintain their site's integrity easily and safely.