Restoration of various coastal reserve in and around Cudmirrah & Berrara
The aims of the action plan are as follows:
1. To continue with on- going maintenance of the Berrara Creek Flats reserve re-vegetation project, which was the original project of the Bushcare Group.
2. To continue with on going maintenance of the pockets of remnant native vegetation along the foreshore of Swan Lake at Errol Bond Reserve.
3. To expand the Bushcare Groups sites to include the following foreshore Crown Reserve:
a. Reef Beach Reserve (from the northern end of the Caravan Park to the gully & pumping station behind Fifth Ave ).
b. Kirby’s Beach Reserve (from the gully to the steps at the end of Pope Ave).
4. Prioritise the above works according to amount and types of weeds growing and the level of infestation. This will then guide the Bushcare Group to the areas of the reserve where they should put the efforts into first and what reserves will need funding assistance to employ contract bush regenerators to assist.