Lyn Clark tells us about the Berry Public School Palnt Propagation Unit
For 20 years, Berry Public School has been operating a Plant Propagation Unit. During this time, it is estimated that over 20,000 plants, mostly native, has been propagated and used in bush regeneration sites around Berry. Many school students have been involved in planting the trees that have themselves helped to propagate. The unit was initially coordinated by 2 volunteers, David Johnston and Barry Virtue and is now led by Lyn Clark.
Lyn Clark tells us about the Berry Public School Palnt Propagation Unit
For 20 years, Berry Public School has been operating a Plant Propagation Unit. During this time, it is estimated that over 20,000 plants, mostly native, has been propagated and used in bush regeneration sites around Berry. Many school students have been involved in planting the trees that have themselves helped to propagate. The unit was initially coordinated by 2 volunteers, David Johnston and Barry Virtue and is now led by Lyn Clark.