Plant Local

The whole Berry area was previously covered by dense rainforest. From various reports and surveys, Berry Landcare has compiled a list of the trees that are found locally, especially in the rainforest remnant at the David Berry Hospital and in the 36 hectare public reserve on Moeyan Hill. Both are working sites for the Berry Landcare/Bushcare group.

We encourage people planting trees locally to choose locally indigenous varieties, and have distributed many copies of this list at Berry Landcare Events and our stalls at the local show and field days. For such events we have posters encouraging people to “Plant Local”

Acacia  floribunda White sallow wattle

Acacia binervata Two-veined Hickory

Acacia binervia Coast Myall

Acacia maidenii Maidens wattle

Acacia mearnsii Black Wattle

Acmena smithii Lillypilly

Acronychia oblongifolia

Alectryon subcinereus Native Quince

Alphitona excelsa Red Ash

Angophora floribunda Rough-barked Apple

Backhousia myrtifolia Grey Myrtle

Baloghia lucida Brush Bloodwood

Brachychiton acerifolium Flame Tree

Breynia oblongifolia

Callicoma serratifolia Black Wattle

Callistemon saligna willow bottlebrush

Cassine  australis Red‑fruited Olive Plum

Casuarina glauca Swamp Oak

Cerapetalum apelatum Coachwood

Cinnamomum oliveri 0livers Sassafras

Citriobatus pauciflorus Orange Thorn

Claoxylon australe Brittlewood

Clerodendrum tomentosum Hairy Clerodendrum

Commersonia fraseri Brown Kurrajong

Cryptocaria glaucescens -Native Laurel

Cryptocaria microneura Murrogun

Cyathea australis Rough Tree Fern

Dendrocnide excelsa Giant Stinging Tree

Diospyros Australis Black Plum

Diospyros pentamera Gray persimmon

Diploglottis australis Native Tamarind

Doryphora sassafras Yellow Sassafras

Duboisia myoporoides Corkwood

Ehretia accuminata Koda

Elaeocarpus kirtonii White quandong/Pigeonberry Ash

Elaeocarpus reticulatus Blueberry Ash

Emmenosperna alphitinoides Yellow Ash

Eucalyptus botryoides Bangalay

Eucalyptus maculata Spotted Gum

Eucalyptus paniculata Grey Ironbark

Eucalyptus pilularis. Blackbutt

Eucalyptus punctata.  Grey Gum

Eucalyptus saligna Blue gum

Eucalyptus saligna X botryoides

Eucalyptus tereticornis Red Gum

Eupotamia laurina Bolwarra

Exocarpus cupressiformis Cherry Ballart

Ficus coronata, Sandpaper fig

Ficus Obliqua Small leafed fig

Glochidion ferdinandi Cheesetree

Goodia lotifolia Clover Tree

Guioa semiglauca Guioa

Hymenanthera dentata Tree Violet

Indigofera australis.

Litsea reticulata Bolly Gum

Livistona australis. Cabbage Palm

Melaleuca styphelioides Prickly‑leaved Tea‑tree

Melalueca quinquenerva Broad-leafed paperbark

Melia azerdarach var australis White Cedar

Melicope micrococca White Melicope

Myoporum Acuminata mangrove boobialla

Notalea venosa Native 0live

Notelea longifolia Native olive

Omalanthus populifolius Bleeding Heart

Ozothamnus diosmifolium Everlasting Flower

Persoonia linearis Narrow-leaved Geebung

Pisonia umbellifera Birdlime tree

Pittosporum revolutum Rough Fruiting Pittosporum

Pittosporum undulatum Native Daphne

Podocarpus elatus Plum Pine

Polyosma cunninghamii Featherwood

Polyscias murrayi Pencil Cedar

Psychotria loniceroides Hairy Psychotria

Rapanea howittiana Turnipwood/brush muttonwood

Rapanea variabilis Mutton wood

Rhodamnia rubescens Scrub Turpentine

Sambucus australasica Native Eldeberry

Santalum obtusifolium Sandalwood

Sarcomelicope simplicifolia Yellow Aspen

Schizomeria ovata Crabapple

Scolopia braunii Flintwood

Sloanea australis Maiden’s bush

Stenocarpus saligna scrub beefwood

Streblus brunonianus Whalebone Tree

Syncarpia glomulifera Turpentine

Synoum glandulosum  Bastard Rosewood

Syzigium australe Brush Cherry

Toona ciliata Red Cedar

Trema aspera Native Peach

Wilkiea huegeliana Common Wilkiea

Zeiria smithii Sandfly Zieria
