Natural & Cultural Heritage
  • Soil derived from Hawkesbury sandstone
  • Community G: E. haemastoma- A. hispida - Banksia ericifolia - low open woodland
  • Reserve contains significant bushland habitat
Conservation Status
  • The population of Darwinia biflora in Berry Park is of State conservation significance and is included in the NSW Darwinia biflora Recovery Plan written under the Threatened Species Conservation Act (1995)

Condition / Impacts

  • Narrow strips of woodland border the north, south and part of the eastern sides of the sportsground; the woodland is in good to very good condition except for a few annuals and grasses invading the more exposed edges.

Main Weeds

  • Exotic grasses, Sida, Flatweed


  • Adjacent to Ku-ring-gai Chase NP (across the road)
  • There is a Bushcare group successfully restoring this reserve


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