Rehabilitating critically endangered lowland subtropical rainforest - NSW Environmental Trust Restoration & Rehabilitation Program

This one year (2013-2014) multi-stakeholder project involves controlling weeds, the most immediate threat to the biodiversity and condition of critically endangered Lowland Rainforest of Subtropical Australia (LRSA) at 38 remnants that are priority repair sites in the Border Ranges Rainforest Biodiversity Management Plan (BRRBMP). The project implements weed control and a number of other management actions listed in the BRRBMP that will enhance connectivity, the habitat of greater than 70 threatened species and the resilience of LRSA to climate change and other threats. Professional regenerators will do 620 days of weed control and monitoring and evaluation using best practice methodology. The project also involves engaging and educating the community at field days and the Big Scrub Rainforest Day and via our group's publications and website. Running this project will enhance the capacity of Big Scrub Landcare, our partners and other landholders to protect, enhance and restore the environment.
