Targeted remnant linkage enhancement across the Big Scrub 2014 - 2017 NSW Environmental Trust Restoraiton & Rehabilitation Program

An increase in the number of Big Scrub rainforest remnants under active restoration is being achieved through a process of targeted expansion of existing remnants and/or creation of stepping stone 'patches' from current mixed rainforest/camphor laurel stands in between known remnants. GIS, vegetation mapping and a landholder survey is being used to assist prioritisation of potential sites. Conservation and connectivity value contribution to target and landholder commitment and activity will help determine restoration priorities and site selection. This project provides a cost effective way of improving landscape linkages between the many Big Scrub Rainforest remnants. By prioritising mixed rainforest / camphor laurel stands the resilience of the forest can be utilised initiating an enhanced natural regeneration response and forming regenerating rainforest stands in a cost-effective and proven manner. This will increase the number of stepping stone remnant habitats being actively managed and providing improved linkage for Big Scrub flora and fauna. Improved connectivity should enhance remnant viability prospects under a changing climate. This project will form part of the ongoing rainforest restoration program of the Big Scrub co-ordinated by Big Scrub Landcare and partners which includes a consortium of state agencies i.e. NSW NPWS, Local Councils or statutory bodies ie. Lismore , Byron and Ballina Councils, Rous Water and private landholders.
