Regeneration of the southern end of Blueys Beach

South End of Blueys Beach

We started working south of the southern public access track. Initially we cleared a large amount of Bitou bush, lantana and morning glory all weeds that had taken a stronghold over the years.After revision to removal recurrent weeds we laid mulch and started planting natives on the 12 April. This planting was then completed on the 19 April; and,  fortunately there was a lot of rain the next week . All 180 plants marked by stakes were OK at inspection on 25 April.


We will now move to the area nearby which is to the east of the toilet block. Our next session is on Saturday 9 May starting at about 0800.  Hope you can make it!

By the way Blueys Beach is standing up very well indeed despite the cyclone on April 20/ 21 which devastated parts of Maitland and Newcastle.

I want to thank Troy Fardell for his aerial photos of the Blueys Beach dune; some have been uploaded but more are to come. He is at Well done Troy!

List of Bush Regenerators to work with our Group

bush regenerators

Here is a draft schedule for the Melanie and Miles for the months leading up to 30 June 2015:


March 7

March 14

March 28

Miles (2hrs)

Mel (3hrs)

Miles (3hrs)


April 4

April 11

April 18

April 25

Easter Sat - no work

Mel (3hrs)

Mel (3 hrs)

ANZAC DAY - no work


May 2

May 9




Miles (3hrs)

Mel (3hrs)

Miles (3hrs)

Miles (3hrs)

Miles (3hrs)


June 6

June 13

June 20

June 27

Miles (3hrs)

Mel (3hrs)

Miles (2 hrs)

SCHOOL HOLS - no work







