Formed in March 2014, Boatharbour Landcare aims to heal and care for our changed landscapes – to create a more beautiful sustainable place to live for both ourselves, our plants, domestic animals and the wildlife.

Our challenge is to:

  • Revegetate the small streams leading from McLeans Ridges above us, to Wilsons Creek
  • Create new homes for wildlife through strategically placed Nest Boxes
  • Commence a Camphor Laurel control program to allow natural regeneration to occur


100 year old trees are virtually non-existent on properties at Boatharbour. These older habitat trees contain hollows used by “Obligate Hollow Users”. 20% of our wildlife needs hollows to breed. At a meeting of Boatharbour Landcare on Friday, 14th August, 2015, it was decided to embark on Project No 2 – Nest Boxes for Wildlife. The current situation for hollow using species is dire at Boatharbour. We have photos of Eastern Rosellas desperately nesting in an old fence post on one of our member's driveways! Taking our cue from a book of the same name, Nest Boxes for Wildlife (by Alan and Stacey Franks) Boatharbour neighbours will take part in a cooperative exercise to make and monitor nest boxes, and learn about hollow using species. Carpentry skills, local knowledge of long- time residents here, and the good will of all, as hands go into pockets to provide the funds needed. Hollow using species observed at Boatharbour properties include: Rainbow lorikeets, Eastern Rosellas, Galahs, Wood ducks, Kookaburras, Microbats and Barn Owls, Sugar Gliders. Two Boatharbour Landcarers used their carpentry skills to make 9 hardwood nest boxes. By Christmas 2015, all nest boxes had been distributed. We look forward to reports in Spring of activity occurring around the installed nest boxes. Wires will be contacted to ascertain if there are other species that have been reported found in this area.

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