Burrinjuck to Bango Habitat Hops Grant
Scarlet Robin in an old paddock tree

Burrinjuck to Bango Habitat Hops Grant

Bowning and Bookham District Landcare will receive $99,650 from the Environmental Trust to help establish 30 to 50 ‘habitat hops’ (tree plots) to encourage wildlife back to a previously cleared landscape and to protect box gum woodland remnants.

Three local environmental groups are to receive more than $95,000 each under the NSW Government’s Restoration and Rehabilitation Grant Program.

Bowning and Bookham District Landcare will receive $99,650 to help establish 30 to 50 ‘habitat hops’ (tree plots) to encourage wildlife back to a previously cleared landscape and to protect box gum woodland remnants.

This was reported in the Yass Tribune on 31 August 2017:

Funding a Future Inheritance