Seedling propagation
Seedlings are propagated and grown up at members' properties, with participation from other group members.
Our group grows seedlings for our members to plant on their properties. The varieties are chosen based on what members need, specifications in the grants we have received, and what grows locally.
Seeds are purchased or gathered, and if necessary pre-treated with boiling water. As many of us have old trees and bushes on our properties, seeds can be obtained from them.
In 2017 we decided to grow seedlings on members' properties so they could be maintained more conveniently.
We hold planting days where usually about a dozen members come together to fill tubes with native potting soil and plant the seeds.
The tubestock are placed on tables outdoors or in a shade house, and watered once or twice daily.
We also hold one or two thinning days where we weed and thin out the seedlings.
When the weather is suitable for planting out, mature seedlings are shared amongst the group's members.
And of course planting days always include lunch!