Jabiru Geenbeinga Wetlands
National Tree Day event
Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI033-031
The issue
The Jabiru Geneebeinga Wetlands in Casino Northern NSW were developed in 1988 as a bicentennial project with an aim to support and preserve habitat primarily for native bird species and offered a viewing platform and an amphitheatre. While over 130 species of native, local and migratory birds utilise the site, over the years its condition has deteriorated with weed incursion and declining resources for maintenance.
The solution
Sunday July 30th 2017, National Tree Day, saw the first steps of restoration efforts for the wetlands. They were tiny steps and many of them, as the Casino Joeys swarmed over the planting mounds with their bigger Cub and Scout siblings.
This event was achieved in partnership with the Jabiru Geneebeinga Wetland Restoration Working Group, Casino Scouts, Casino Environment Centre, Richmond Valley Council, Kyogle Landcare and the Border Ranges Richmond Valley Landcare Network all on board. This extraordinary collaboration was certainly a fine example of many hands making light work and brought forth a resurgence of interest and energy for the site.
The impact
The soil was dry, the mounds tough, and the adults dug. Little hands distributed plants, primed holes with water crystals, placed and backfilled seedlings, put mulch around each, and helped water. By lunchtime, the wetland shoreline ground-story habitat had been substantially upgraded. When the last Lomandra was in and the 360th mound of mulch placed, the indefatigable youngsters added a uniquely ‘Scout’ thank-you ceremony for having the opportunity to contribute to the Jabiru Geneebeinga Wetland restoration venture.
“This journey may have a thousand steps, but with this event we have taken the first one”. Geoff Reid - Jabiru wetlands coordinator.
The day was full of the most unbelievable positive energy. Laughter and happy voices rang out across the Wetlands as energetic youngsters rallied to plant as many seedlings as possible, so much so, our hole diggers could not keep up! Before we knew it, and much to the disappointment of the kids, all our work was done, and in half the expected time. Next time we will set more ambitious targets.
Key facts
- Collaboration between 6 organisations
- Attracting 38 volunteers to the National Tree Day event
- 360 native species in the ground
- Resurgence of interest and energy to support restoration goals for the wetlands