Milbrodale BioBlitz
Come along and learn about our local plants and animals. Participate in the Great Southern Bioblitz.
- https://landcare.nsw.gov.au/groups/broke-bulga-landcare-group-inc/milbrodale-bioblitz
- Milbrodale BioBlitz
- 2022-10-30T10:00:00+11:00
- 2022-10-30T12:00:00+11:00
- Come along and learn about our local plants and animals. Participate in the Great Southern Bioblitz.
30 Oct, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (Australia/Sydney / UTC1100)
Broke Bulga Landcare invites you to help us participate in the Great Southern Bioblitz.
Come along and learn about our local plants and animals.
Learn how to use the iNaturalist app to get help identifying flora and fauna.
Register here.
We will be Bioblitzing Dodds TSR in Milbrodale Sunday 30th October 2022
10 am iNaturalist lesson and introduction to the Bioblitz.
10.30 am - 11.30 am. We BioBlitz Dodds TSR, Milbrodale.
11.30 - Noon. We come together to share some of our favourite findings.
There will be prizes for:
*most significant find *most interesting find *most prolific blitzer
Suits all ages and abilities.
Please register for additional information and precise meeting location.
Register here.
What is a Bioblitz?
The Great Southern Bioblitz (GSB) is a worldwide citizen science event which kicks off on the 28th to 31st October 2022 throughout the Southern Hemisphere using the iNaturalist app and website. iNaturalist is an online social network of naturalists, citizen scientists, and biologists built on the concept of mapping and sharing observations of biodiversity across the globe – and everyone is invited to participate!
A BioBlitz is a snapshot study of a specific location, where scientists and the community work together to survey and record as many species as possible within a nominated timeframe.
We'll be bioblitzing Dodds TSR in Milbrodale - an important patch of remnat bushland that provides valuable habitat for threatened plants and animals.
Register here.