Landcare Week activities

Including Science in the Pub

Landcare Week activities

Including Science in the Pub

Community Participation -

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The issue

The challenge/problem/issue (what is the issue/problem identified or addressed)

Brunswick Valley Landcare wanted to promote the work they do whilst also attracting new volunteers and rewarding our current ones.

The solution


Brunswick Valley Landcare offered a range of activities during Landcare Week.

  • Federal Family Fun Day stall - Sunday 6 August Find us at Federal Community Children's Centre between 10am to 2pm. Check out the Bush Tucker Living Classroom which is a best practice example of how community can work together.
  • Science in the Pub: Building Wildlife Safe Havens in the Byron Shire - Hotel Brunswick - Wednesday 9 August Building Wildlife Safe Havens in the Byron Shire. Come and hear experts talk about the nest box program and successes to date. Hear from ecologists and others about the latest biodiversity and habitat conservation efforts.
  • Stall at Mullumbimby Farmers Market - Friday 11 August Come and chat to us at our stall at Mullumbimby Farmers Market. We're doing a membership drive so be sure to check out our latest resources.
  • Open Morning - Heritage Park Mullumbimby - Saturday 12 August Come and chat to Landcare volunteers about Maslen Arboretum and other work in Heritage Park Mullumbimby at our open morning from 9 - 11am. Be inspired, be empowered, be a landcarer.

Science in the Pub was a huge success. Held at the Hotel Brunswick, the 3 speakers talked about climate resilient plants, nestboxes in relation to Glossy Black Cockatoos and the importance of small bird habitat, such as grasses, sedges, & coastal heath.

The event was made possible through the kind support of the Hotel Brunswick who invited BVL to become Publinc Peer Community Group. By community members joining Publinc at the hotel (it's free) you accumulate points on purchases which you can pledge to Brunswick Valley Landcare (BVL) or other listed community groups. This provides more donations to BVL. The more points pledged to BVL, the larger the donation BVL receives. You also get discounted meals and drinks by using your red Publinc card each purchase at the Hotel.

The impact

Key facts

  • Science in the Pub event
  • 59 attendees
  • New partnership with the Brunswick Heads Hotel
  • Sharing stories of local projects

Project Partners