Cam Wilson's Low Cost Soil Erosion Day

Cam Wilson's Low Cost Soil Erosion Day

Central Tablelands Landcare is inviting Cam Wilson of Earth Integral back up to the Central Tablelands - this time to guide us through some ideas for revegetation and hands-on demonstration of what to do with an eroding gully. Learn cost effective ways to handle erosion on your property!


13 Apr, 2018 from 09:30 AM to 03:00 PM (Australia/Sydney / UTC1000)


"Weandre" 600 Boomey Lane, Boomey

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Anyone keen to learn some practical ideas for restoring erosion hot spots on their own farm. This will include a hands-on session where all participants will help out on a gully erosion site. , , Cam Wilson has extensive experience in landscape restoration and rehydration. , , The workshop aims to give you hands on experience in building a variety of erosion control and sediment retention structures, suited to common issues faced in the region, and using locally available materials., , You will also gain an understanding of the causes and trajectory of erosion on your property, as well as the natural vegetation-controlled repair processes, which provides a framework for deciding how and , where you’ll obtain the most benefit from your efforts., , Please RSVP for catering - morning tea and lunch will be provided.

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Central Tablelands Landcare, with funding support through the Central Tablelands LLS is bringing Cam Wilson back into our district. This time to help us with some practical skills of slowing water and erosion on farm.

We are gathering a whole list of materials for the day including sticks and logs, a ute load of rocks, wire, star pickets and a whole range tools - it promises to be a productive hands-on day.

Central Tablelands Landcare will be supplying lunch and morning tea (please advise us if you have any special dietary needs).

To learn more about our presenter for the day - Campbell Wilson please visit