Central Tablelands Landcare has a membership of groups and individuals across the district - drawing from the towns of Orange, Bathurst, Molong and Blayney and all the surrounding localities. Members of Central Tablelands Landcare - the majority being volunteers - are committed to improving their environment by improving natural resource management and sustainable farming practices. Our upcoming events are listed under the events tab on the right of this page and if you would like to read about some of our work please visit our case studies. We also send out a regular newsletter with the latest events via email. If you wish to receive our newsletter please email centraltablelandslandcare@gmail.com.

The Central Tablelands Landcare community includes Landcare groups, networks and other community/ green groups. The Central Tablelands Regional Landcare Network consists of  five Landcare Networks: Watershed (Mudgee), Little River (Cumnock, Yeoval), Mid Lachlan (Cowra, Canowindra), Central Tablelands (Orange, Bathurst Blayney and Molong) and Lithgow Oberon Landcare Area. These networks umbrella approximately 60 Landcare and community groups and represent at least 2000 volunteers in the region. Each Landcare group varies in activities, focus and numbers. These can range from running groups of community practice such as grazing management and microscope groups to capacity building events and delivery of on ground incentives.

Each Landcare network is unique and has a trusted relationship with Central Tablelands Local Land Services, the Regional Landcare Facilitator and their local communities. The Landcare community have a wide variety of skills and expertise.


Central Tablelands Landcare started growing plants for their own projects and for contracts at the Bathurst nursery site in early 2017. The nursery grows a range of tree, shrub and groundcover species from our endangered box gum woodlands and high altitude grassy woodlands. The nursery is run as a not for profit program and supports local projects with the supply of local provenance plants all grown locally under the supervision of our Nursery Manager, Sue Wakefield and with help from volunteers from the Landcare community. To contact the nursery, please email ctlcnursery@gmail.com

Central Tablelands Landcare is working with the Central Tablelands Local Land Services to deliver the Pest Engagement Project over the 2019 financial year.

In September 2017 Central Tablelands Landcare was notified of their success in gaining funding through the 2016 round of NSW Environmental Trust Restoration and Rehabilitation program. We are excited to be able to build on our previous Biodiversity Fund and Environmental Trust programs to continue to offer support for landholders in our district to revegetate our local grassy box gum woodlands.

COMPLETED - In November 2015 Central Tablelands Landcare was notified that we were success in gaining a grant through the Central Tablelands Local Land Services' Landcare Driving Sustainable Landuse - Landcare Incentive funding. The grant will support the running of a series of workshops and volunteer days to undertake the propagation of a range of local grassy woodland species and the establishment of our first seed production areas. This project will run from November 2015 - May 2016.

COMPLETED - Central Tablelands Landcare has it's first Green Army Team starting in May 2015 with another two projects running after this one up until October 2016.

COMPLETED - The Central Tablelands Landcare network received funding from the Central Tablelands LLS in 2016 - 2017 through the Landcare Non-Competitive stream to undertake on-ground and capacity building outcomes which aim to improve community capacity and the natural resource base in our district.

COMPLETED - In December 2014 - Central Tablelands Landcare was notified of it's success in gaining a 25th Anniversary Landcare Grant for our project "Grazing for the Future - Grazing, Cropping and Diversity on Farms". The project will run from April 2015 to June 2016.

The Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative is a jointly delivered program from Local Land Services and Landcare NSW. It is funded by the NSW State Governments $15 million over 4 year commitment to support Landcare in NSW. This project provides Central Tablelands Landcare Inc. funds to employ 1x 0.5 EFT (part-time) Local Landcare Coordinator, to work with their host organisation(s) as part of a statewide network.

In early 2015 we were advised that our Environmental Trust Restoration and Rehabilitation Grant was successful. This grant will run from September 2015 - June 2018.

Starting in December 2012 Central Tablelands Landcare has been updating and setting it's directions through the development of a strategic plan. Committee members and support staff have participated in a series of workshops to develop the charter and objectives of Central Tablelands Landcare as we move into the 2013 - 2014 change over from CMAs to LLSs.

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Cilla Kinross
02 6365 7651 (work),02 6365 8221 (ah)
Download group KML
William Love - Local Coordinator
Central Tablelands Landcare Inc.