Central Tablelands Landcare - Green Army Team

COMPLETED - Central Tablelands Landcare has it's first Green Army Team starting in May 2015 with another two projects running after this one up until October 2016.


Through these three proposed sequential Green Army projects, Central Tablelands Landcare in partnership with Orange City Council and SHIPS Nursery (part of Western Area Health Services) have the single aim of increasing the biodiversity and connectiveness of our local box gum grassy woodlands listed as an Endangered Ecological Community under the EPBC Act as well as under state legislation - Threatened Species Act.
The projects will focus on increasing knowledge and awareness in theses EEC, will collect, grow and plant local seeds and plants grown by participants in the project in and around our local area around Orange, NSW. Community involvement in the protection and enhancement of our box gum woodlands will be encouraged through the hosting a a range of community workshops covering topics ranging from plant identification and habitat assessment, to seed collecting and and animal surveys. These workshops will be run for the Green Army teams but will be open for participation to the broader Landcare community and will be critical for highlighting the importance of our endangered grassy woodlands and also the work of the local Green Army teams.
The restoration work in stage 1 will focus on building connections and enhancing remnants of grassy woodlands in the central tablelands through biodiverse planting that link or enhance existing box gum remnants. Work in stage two will also focus on creating linkages in these communities along our creek, wetland and dam corridors - which will provide critical linkages among our grassy woodlands but also linkages from our box gum woodlands into neighbouring communities - providing enhanced connections and ability for movement across the landscape for a range of associated animals and plants into the future. Stage 3 will have a focus on enhancing the habitat value and biodiversity of these woodlands in our district with a focus on creating habitat through the installation of nestboxes and plantings of diverse understories.

Through these three proposed sequential Green Army projects, Central Tablelands Landcare in partnership with Orange City Council and SHIPS Nursery (part of Western Area Health Services) have the single aim of increasing the biodiversity and connectiveness of our local box gum grassy woodlands listed as an Endangered Ecological Community under the EPBC Act as well as under state legislation - Threatened Species Act.The projects will focus on increasing knowledge and awareness in theses EEC, will collect, grow and plant local seeds and plants grown by participants in the project in and around our local area around Orange, NSW. Community involvement in the protection and enhancement of our box gum woodlands will be encouraged through the hosting a a range of community workshops covering topics ranging from plant identification and habitat assessment, to seed collecting and and animal surveys. These workshops will be run for the Green Army teams but will be open for participation to the broader Landcare community and will be critical for highlighting the importance of our endangered grassy woodlands and also the work of the local Green Army teams.The restoration work in stage 1 will focus on building connections and enhancing remnants of grassy woodlands in the central tablelands through biodiverse planting that link or enhance existing box gum remnants. Work in stage two will also focus on creating linkages in these communities along our creek, wetland and dam corridors - which will provide critical linkages among our grassy woodlands but also linkages from our box gum woodlands into neighbouring communities - providing enhanced connections and ability for movement across the landscape for a range of associated animals and plants into the future. Stage 3 will have a focus on enhancing the habitat value and biodiversity of these woodlands in our district with a focus on creating habitat through the installation of nestboxes and plantings of diverse understories.
