May is Membership Month
As "May is Membership Month" continues we thought we would share some information about you - our membership.... You may have to allow picture to download to see some of our info graphics in this post.
Who is our membership?
At Central Tablelands Landcare membership is defined by our mailing list - that is every household on our mailing list is classed as a member. We as a committee have thought about changing our membership structure to be a fee based membership but have on three occasions over the last 9 or so years voted down the introduction of a fee structure - preferring to have a free more open membership model.
We have close to 400 members on our e-newsletter list but are continually welcoming new members to the group and looking for opportunities to grow our member base.
We also have 25 Landcare and other natural resource management groups that we are looking forward to engaging with more over the next three years with our additional funding through the Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative. The names of all those groups have been used to generate the word cloud below.

Who are our members?
Through membership surveys and event participation surveys we have been able to gather information about our membership and below are some simple facts.
The average property size of our membership surveyed is 540 acres or 219ha.
Members come from a range of business enterprises - but most cattle, sheep, grazing and farming are the categories identified - but as you can see in the graph below our membership is diverse.
What are our members interests?
Through the membership and event surveys we are also able to get a clearer understanding of what the interests of our members are. The graph below clearly shows that the key interests of our membership are in order of popularity: soil health, biodiversity, weed control, tree planting, holistic management and cell grazing.
We used this information to deliver our priority project areas for our Landcare district. Our current project priorities areas are biodiversity, soil health and grazing management.
What can you do as a member of Central Tablelands Landcare?
We welcome your feedback and input into the design of projects, field days or workshops we run across the whole district. Please if you have any ideas share them with Sally or Marita on the contact details below.
We love to meet you all at the range of activities that we coordinate across the Orange Bathurst area - please come to one of our events or pop down and see us at a stand at a field day or say hello when we cross paths at meetings or other regional events.
Of course we would love you to participate in any of our bigger projects - such as tree planting, grazing management and soil health.
We would also love it if you could help us grow our membership - so please share this email with a neighbour or a friend that may be interested in our activities or just receiving our newsletter.
For more information on Central Tablelands Landcare visit our website on the NSW Landcare Gateway, like us onFacebook or what our activities on Twitter and Instagram,
Or please email Marita or Sally on centraltablelandslandcare@gmail.com. Of course we are also happy to be contacted on our mobiles: Marita 0429 979 780 or Sally 0416 255 065.
How do you become a member?
Becoming a member is simple - please email Marita or Sally on centraltablelandslandcare@gmail.com or try this link for an direct subscription to our newsletter. Of course we are also happy to be contacted on our mobiles: Marita 0429 979 780 or Sally 0416 255 065.