Wattle Walk at Molong
Come join Central Tablelands Landcare for a ramble around a property at Molong to explore some local wattles.
- https://landcare.nsw.gov.au/groups/central-tablelands-landcare-management-committee/wattle-walk-at-molong
- Wattle Walk at Molong
- 2018-09-01T10:30:00+10:00
- 2018-09-01T13:30:00+10:00
- Come join Central Tablelands Landcare for a ramble around a property at Molong to explore some local wattles.
01 Sep, 2018 from 10:30 AM to 01:30 PM (Australia/Sydney / UTC1000)
500 Packham Road Molong
Central Tablelands Landcare is running a Wattle Walk and BBQ at Molong to mark this year's Wattle Day.
You are invited to join us. There is no cost for the walk (gentle ramble).
WHEN: Saturday 1ST September 2018
TIME: Meet at 10:30 AM for a couple of hours exploring wattles on a ramble around this 50 ha property and then join us for a BBQ lunch.
WHERE: Les Dean has kindly offered to host the day. Meet at 500 Packham Driver Molong 2866 (old Manildra Road, first narrow(take a wide approach) ramp on right side past Sandy Crk/White Flat Rd crossroads).
Reserve your place (free) through EventBrite (https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/wattle-walk-at-molong-tickets-49201698605)
Please advise if you have any special dietary requirements to Marita centraltablelandslandcare@gmail.com or 0429 979 780