Strategic Planning for Success

Central West Landcare Region undertook their first Strategic Planning Session in August

Community Participation - LP004-CWR02

The issue

Since it's inception in 2022, the Central West Region Landcare incorporated body had been looking forward to undertaking strategic planning to set some parameters for the body and discuss topics that regional groups see as priorities moving forward over the next four years.

Given that the region spreads over a broad area of NSW and with the enthusiasm to meet face to face with volunteers and coordinators a central location was required for a convenient meeting space. 

The solution

Dubbo was chosen as the appropriate venue for the region to gather. 

With representation from across the region, a productive day of planning was undertaken, setting the goals and objectives for the regional Landcare body.

It was important to factor in the variety of contributions from across the diversity of the region. 25 people contributed to this strategic planning day.

The impact

The Strategic Plan that has been formulated will form the basis of decisions moving forward for the region and will inform future regional coordinators of the expectations from across the region as a whole.

Author: m.applebee

Key facts

  • Strategic Planning is key for any newly formed organisation.
  • Strategic Planning provides the platform for undertakings over the next four years.