Condobolin & District Landcare aims to improve the long term productivity, profitability and sustainability of our land and communities.

We are located in the heart of NSW and cover the towns/regions of Condobolin, Derriwong, Ootha, South Gipps, Moonbi, Warroo, Mt Hope, Gilgunnia, Euabalong West, Vermont Hill and Four Creeks.

In our Strategic Plan 2019-22, Condobolin & Districts Landcare has set five desired outcomes, against which we measure progress. They are:

  1. PEOPLE: Revitalising our Landcare networks
  2. RESOURCES: Building our investment resource base
  3. GOVERNANCE: Using best governance and improving operational capacity
  4. PROJECTS: Delivery of on-ground projects
  5. PR & COMMUNICATIONS: Effective communications


Condobolin & Districts Landcare has an executive committee of eight and employs a Local Landcare Coordinator two days per week.

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