Pest Management Groups

Farm managers taking control of pest management using a coordinated approach.

Pest Management Groups

Farm managers taking control of pest management using a coordinated approach.

Capacity to Deliver -


The issue

Pest Management in the Coonamble Castlereagh Landcare area has always been something farm managers did themselves, but never in a coordinated way with neighbours. Many discussions had been held regarding a coordinated approach to pest management, especially when it came to fox baiting, but many farm managers believed that if they didn't run sheep they didn't need to bait for foxes. With a little more information and group discussion, as well as some funding from LLS, this mindset was easy to turn around. 

The solution

LLS provided $70K in pest management funding to be used between eight different groups. This was additional funding provided by LLS on top of a very successful pest management program previously funded by LLS in which well over 800 pigs were killed in a 4 day aerial shoot. The pest management grants allowed us to inform and educate farm managers on the importance of not only pest control but the importance of doing it as a coordinated group. 

The impact

The pest management grant provided funding to eight pest management groups in the Coonamble - Castlereagh Landcare area consisting of 110 farm managers. Each group was able to purchase pig traps and monitoring cameras for the group to share. The remaining funding was used to purchase fox baits provided the group all put the baits out at the same time - the baiting program was implemented in April and May 2020. In total, the grant funded 13,850 fox baits, 35 pig traps, 6 cat traps and 19 monitoring cameras.

Key facts

  • Coordinated fox baiting program
  • Education re benefits of coordinated program
  • Funding for 13,850 fox baits, 35 pig traps, 6 cat traps and 19 monitoring cameras

Project Partners