Taking Control Of the Farmers Story.

Recognising the growing divide between city and country, and the need to communicate what it is to be an Aussie farmer, Coonamble played host to a workshop for farmers to help tell their story through video. NSW DPI Rural Resilience Program worked with Coonamble District Landcare to deliver an exciting smartphone video-making workshop for Coonamble district's farmers, held on 31st July. Aimed at farmer's learning how to tell and share their stories, the one-day workshop helped farmers to tell and share their stories and experiences through short videos made on their smartphone or tablet (such as an ipad). With such widespread use of smart phones, most people have a video camera in their back pockets every time they go out to the paddock.

Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI008-006

The issue

A growing frustration around the mainstream media Coverage on issues such as Drought, live cattle export, and animal welfare were the main issues that led to this workshop. Many farmers were asking how do we tell our story and how do we get it out there. 

The solution

With Such widespread use of smartphones we contacted Debrah Novak, a well known media specialist to conduct a workshop that would show farmers and business holders how to best use and capitalise their smartphone to their advantage. Debrah is well known in the Media world and has mastered the art of using technology to tell her stories. Smart Phone are a great tool as just about everybody has one.

The impact

The workshop was hosted by Debrah Novak, a well known Social Media expert. We had 9 people Attend the Workshop, who all gained Skills in using their smartphone for video making and how to better attract an audience using Social Media.

Author: Vicky Hogland

Key facts

  • Build Skills and Knowledge
  • Better Story Telling
  • Greater Social Media Reach

Project Partners
