Working Dogs, Helps Communication
Working dog Clinics have been shown to assist with communication techniques for individuals. Dogs are fantastic communicators and teachers.
Stronger Together - LLCI008-004
The issue
The area has continued with a dry season which has been wearing on farmers and their families. There has been an ongoing demand for the working dog clinics. These clinics provide a dual outcome being they help farmers to train their dogs to be a useful team member as well as training the handler to be a better communicator. Often when people are feeling down they stop communicating or their communication is unclear or ambiguous. This can lead to family breakdowns which has greater implications.
The solution
A partnership was formed between House with No Steps, Department of Primary Industries Rural Resilience Program, RAMHP and Coonamble District Landcare to organise a Working Dog Clinic. The clinic was held over two days at the property of Greg & Carmel Readford "Mafekin" where participants could work with the trainer, help each other spend time talking the hosts allowed camping on site which facilitated more sharing for each individual. The trainer also camped which allowed greater access for individuals. Communication is the basis for everything in life the workshop highlighted the importance of learning other styles of communication to suit the audience.
The impact
Individuals each learnt the importance of communicating in different ways. Like people dogs respond better when the communication is clear, fair and concise, participants could see by the reaction of their dogs when there communication was poor or incomplete. Learning how others hear/understand and receive your message was easily highlighted with the dogs
Timing is key to any event/activity. The small amount of rain some had received prior to the workshop meant that some keen individuals were unavailable owing to being on tractors.
It is vital that participants have a buy in for this type of activity as it is expensive to run and although there was sponsorship from partners it didn't cover the whole cost.
Key facts
- The importance of understanding different communication techniques for other
- Patience in communication is key to good relationships