Indian Myna Action

Managing established pest animals

Making a Difference - MEPAAW-MU-02-01

The issue

The Common or Indian Myna (Acridotheres tristis), was introduced into Australia (Melbourne) in 1862. These birds quickly established and became the core for releases into Queensland in 1883 (in an unsuccessful attempt to combat insect pests in cane fields) and later into Sydney and Brisbane. Mynas have since spread along suburban corridors and major roadways to most coastal cities and towns of SE Australia. They have now colonised in the local area, with a population in Wangaratta & sightings in the local Corowa, Howlong & Burrumbuttock areas. Common Mynas are a threat to native species, they are aggressive, territorial birds that actively compete with and displace our native birds.

The solution

With funding support from the MEPAAW project, Corowa District Landcare in partnership with West Hume Landcare, hosted 2 awareness raising events to show community members how to identify and monitor the Indian Myna in our local region.  The workshops were hosted on 19th May 2019, in both Burrumbuttock and Corowa, with a great attendance of 45 participants. Ovens Landcare Network Facilitator Gayle South, talked about the behaviour and growing problem posed by invading Indian Mynas. Gayle explained the value of mapping and monitoring their population using the Feral Scan app. Mason Crane from Sustainable Farms, conducted a guided a bird ecology walk and explained the impacts Indian Mynas are having on native birds, particularly during the breeding season when there is considerable competition for nesting sites, like tree hollows. Myna's also make nests in walls and ceilings of buildings, making these birds a nuisance to humans. Nests are quite messy and consist of a variety of materials.

Murray Local Land Services, Regional Weed and Risk Coordinator, Natasha Lappin also presented on the Department of Primary Industries, Weed Wise program including the website, app and "No Space for Weeds" campaign. 

The impact

The participants from the workshops were keen to learn about the Indian Myna & their impact on native birds in our local region.  Most had little prior knowledge of how this invasive pest species can be managed, but after the workshop they had greatly increased their knowledge and were confident to help monitor & assist with controlling this species. The project also included the construction of 6 Myna traps by Wirraminna Volunteers & the Corowa Men's Shed. These traps will be available for hire to community members. Care will also be taken by both the Corowa District Landcare & West Hume Landcare groups, to ensure that the Common Myna birds caught in the traps will be humanely euthanased.  Sample nestboxes with Myna proof baffles, were also made for demonstration & more will be made available for sale to the local community.  


Author: Judy Kirk

Key facts

  • Common Mynas were listed among 100 of the world’s worst invasive species by the World Conservation Union.
  • Common Mynas evict native bird species from nesting boxes or tree hollows and even kill eggs and chicks.
  • Common Mynas can cause serious damage to ripening fruit, such as grapes and blueberries.

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