Local Landcare Coordinator making a difference

Capacity building

Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI017-002

The issue

Prior to the appointment of the new Landcare Coordinator, Corowa District Landcare had experienced a period of change, including a period of funding uncertainty and a staffing shortfall. This combined with a new committee, provided some challenges that are now being overcome as the group move forward and actively engage their community in landcare.

The solution

Corowa District Landcare was successful in their bid to apply for a Landcare Coordinator as part of the Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative, combined with the Murray Local Land Services, Regional Capacity Building Program,  Corowa Landcare were able to employ a fulltime  Landcare Coordinator in March 2016.

The impact

In a statement from the Corowa District Landcare Inc. Chair's Report:

" Corowa District Landcare has followed the seasons with the Group coming out of winter and into a very productive spring with the employment of our Landcare Coordinator position.

Judy Kirk started in her position on 8th March 2016, and in her joint role as Landcare Coordinator and Community Support Officer, she has revitalized the Group getting things organised and functioning the way the Committee envisioned.

The Group has progressed from a s355 sub-committee of Corowa Shire Council, into an independent Incorporated body.  Judy had a key role in this process fielding the background work and constantly prompting the Chair and Committee on the steps to be taken to become Corowa District Landcare Inc. on 20th April, 2016.

This year (2016) we have projects of Connecting Corridors (a large biodiversity project), Redlands Hill and Boat Rock cultural brochures to produce, tree planting, invasive animal workshops, composting and sustainable soils projects, biodiversity field days, along with support to outlying schools and other Landcare and producer groups within Federation Shire and adjoining groups in both Berrigan and Greater Hume Council regions.

Judy is ably assisted by 1 part-time staff member, an enthusiastic committee and 150 members.

As Chairman entering my second term of office, I look forward to working with Judy, with her knowledgeable responses to the ongoing health of CDL Inc. and her bright nature in handling the community around her."

Author: alyssa

Key facts

  • Local Landcare Coordinator
  • Group capacity building
  • Community capacity building

Project Partners
