Supporting Livestock Producers in Corowa & Surrounding Districts

Production, sustainable agriculture, sheep & pastures, partnerships

Making a Difference - LLCI017-009

The issue

It had been identified through the Corowa District Landcare (CDL) membership base that there was a need for increased extension activities specifically for primary production properties with a particular focus on mixed farming enterprises that utilises dryland cropping & pastures. Land managers in our region are interested in improving their productivity, sustainability, and profitability into the future. 


The solution

Through our partnership with the Murray Local Land Services Agricultural Team, CDL have been able to branch out into delivering primary production extension activities, with a focus on sheep & pasture production management. We hosted our first Sheep Producers Information Session in 2017, with over 65 producers attending from Finley, Rand, Coreen, Savernake, Lowesdale, Oaklands, Urana, Mulwala & Howlong, because of this success, CDL have made this an annual event. CDL have also assisted with an Agricultural Business Skills for Sheep Producers group at Rand in 2017.  In 2018, CDL started a Sheep & Pastures Producers Discussion Group in the Corowa Region, with over 20 producers participation in six facilitated workshops.  CDL have also assisted MLLS with farm production & drought workshops in the Corowa District in 2017 & 2018. In 2019, CDL assisted in establishing a local Lifetime Ewe Management Group and are continuing to look for funding and partnership opportunities to support our local primary producers & to assist in providing best practice, evidence based information to assist them to develop  improved farming practices now & in the future.

The impact

These livestock production activities have built on existing knowledge and skills of landholders to implement evidence based sustainable agricultural practices.  Many farmers said that they would implement changes to their current management practices as a result of the information sessions, as an example of producer comments are: " I will now use supplements for ewes in late pregnancy & during lactation, to assist in maintaining ewe condition & health" & " I will be planting a shelter belt alongside our lambing paddocks to help increase lamb survival rates".

Corowa District Landcare Inc. have developed the networks and experience to be well-placed to work with livestock producers & land managers across the local region.


Author: Judy Kirk

Key facts

  • Improving farming practices through knowledge ,skills & peer learning
  • Supporting livestock producers in the Corowa & surrounding Region
  • Sustainable agriculture

Project Partners
