Carp Muster

Dunedoo and Coolah Carp Musters Reel Them In!!

Capacity to Deliver - LP003 - 006

The issue

The ongoing rain has filled our rivers..... flooded our rivers. This has provided an ideal breeding environment for European Carp and other invasive non native fish species. Community education and participation can help improve the health of our rivers and reduce Carp numbers, supporting better breeding opportunities and habitat for Native Fish.

The solution

Dunedoo Coolah Landcare decided to hold two Carp Musters. 

Both events were held in partnership with local and regional organisations -such as Oz  Fish and schools, and piggy backed onto events that were happening in the community.

The Dunedoo Carp Muster was held on the 11th March on the Talbragar River. Prior to the event two fishing workshops were held with local schools where students were taught the basics of fishing and fishing safety, fish identification and the difference between native and non native fish species and how to handle fish and what and when to release back to the river. The Dunedoo Carp Muster was held in conjunction with the Made N Grown Markets where registrations and information packs were distributed. Another kids fishing clinic was held on a nearby dam on the day of the Carp Muster. There were plenty of giveaways on the day - rods, reels and fish ID stickers - to encourage participation. There were over 150 participants and close to 500 Carp caught. The local community and some regional businesses supported the event with generous donations of prizes and vouchers.

The Coolah Carp Muster was held on the 18th March on the Coolaburragundy River as part of the celebration for the opening of the Coolaburragundy Riverwalk -a Coolah Landcare initiative. The Carp Muster was funded and run by OzFish with the support of Landcare and the Coolah District Development Group. It was a great family day and fun and learning was had by all. Over 400 Carp were caught on the day.

Partial funding for the Dunedoo Carp Muster was received from Charles Sturt University.

The impact

The Carp Musters played an important role in bringing the community out to participate and learn about environmental activities. They also engaged with sections of the community that wouldn't normally participate in Landcare activities. Participants learnt to identify Carp, Red Fin and Native species.

Some native species were caught and released on the day including Murray Cod, Yellow Belly and catfish. There were also sightings of Native water rats and platypus.

The events reduced the numbers of Carp in the rivers on the day, as well as encouraging ongoing Carp removal from our waterways.

Author: Fiona Luckhurst

Key facts

  • Carp Musters:
  • Reduce the number of Carp in our rivers
  • Are a family and environmentally friendly activity
  • Promote learning and knowledge of our riparian zones, waterways, fish and other aquatic species
  • Engage the community in environmental learning and action.

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