Coolaburragundy Riverwalk

A community partnership project bringing together outdoor activity, cultural recognition, revegetation and volunteering.

Coolaburragundy Riverwalk

A community partnership project bringing together outdoor activity, cultural recognition, revegetation and volunteering.

Community Participation -


The issue

The Coolah community identified many years ago the potential for developing a cycle and walkway alongside the Coolaburragundy River in Coolah.

The Riverwalk area is in a flood zone and also partly covers a Travelling Stock Route. It travels alongside the river for approximately 500 metres and has wonderful views to the east and south. The site had few trees and there was no seating or shade.

After the completion of the section of concrete walkway alongside the river by Council, Landcare worked to develop a plan to revegetate the site, install art installations, interpretive signage, seating and tables as well as providing Indigenous cultural and heritage recognition with signage and a yarning circle.

The solution

Landcare sought funding for the project and encouraged volunteers to be involved in the project. The project concept was promoted and working bees with volunteers held. The Coolah Central School participated in tree planting activities. Local community members sponsored trees, seating and picnic tables. Rural Aid funded the manufacture and installation of steel tree guards, picnic tables and irrigation. Funding was received from NSW Landcare Working Together program and UPC/AC Renewables Australia for the installation of a Yarning Circle. Consultation with Indigenous representatives and community members was held and a design developed and constructed.

The impact

This project was partly held during COVID restrictions and offered safe, nature based outdoor activity.  Working bees were very successful and brought the community together to plant and care for trees along the riverwalk. Plaques recognising community sponsorship of seating and trees gave people  a sense of ownership and recognition.

The site now has trees, steel tree guards, irrigation, seating, picnic tables and art installations. The Riverwalk is highly utilised by people young and old - walkers, cyclists, horse riders, gopher users. When signage is installed it will provide education on the environment and heritage. The Yarning Circle will be the first tangible recognition of our indigenous past in a public place in Coolah.


Although planning took into account the area being on a flood plain, large sections of tube stock plantings were lost during two consecutive floods in 2022.  Advanced trees and their tree guards, pathways, seating and tables survived the flood. Clearing of a large pile of drift wood and flood detritus has delayed installation of the yarning circle. Council provides minimal mowing to the site. Funding to support volunteers to mow the site will be sought.

Key facts

  • Community participation has created an accessible, outdoor space in Coolah with tree plantings, art installations, seating and picnic tables.
  • The installation of the Yarning Circle will be the first recognition of our Indigenous peoples in a public place in Coolah.
  • The Coolaburragundy Riverwalk has helped bring the community together to work on an environmental project which enhances the natural beauty and amenity of the area.