Dunedoo Active Kids

Active Kids from the Dunedoo Coolah area participate in an outdoor recreational and education program.

Collaborations - LP003-001

The issue

There are very limited opportunities for school students to engage in outdoor activities apart from sport in our area. There are very few young people engaging regularly in outdoor, physical Landcare activities. Local schools have been keen to partner and support Landcare in activities such as environmental education workshops, building of community gardens and tree plantings.  Dunedoo Coolah Landcare made application to become an Active Kids Program Provider. This was seen as an opportunity for School students to be part of a program which combined physical activities with nature studies.

The solution

Dunedoo Coolah Landcare was successful in becoming an Active Kids Provider. This NSW Government program provides school students with $100 vouchers to participate in Active Recreation activities. An eight week program was developed with a local volunteer who is a qualified Recreational Instructor. The program included activities such as bushwalking, orienteering, overnight camping, insect identification and bird watching and identification. Part of the program included 'My Golf' activities - Golf for juniors. The local golf course has a large dam and old eucalypts with nesting hollows. It is home to a variety of birds. Being on the local Golf Course provided opportunities not just for physical activity, but for the participants to explore and engage with the natural world,  learning about the trees and birds and other environmental features of the golf course.

The program also utilised the Dunedoo Woodland Learning Centre, a Grassy Box Woodland site on the outskirts of town. The Warrumbungle National Park will also be visited as part of the program.

The impact

The program has not completed due to COVID 19 restrictions but will reopen as soon as possible. Nevertheless, a keen group of students participated and are waiting to recommence the program. This program has, and will give local students a further opportunity that wouldn't normally be available in small country towns - the opportunity to participate in a local physical activity program exploring and learning about the environment with experienced, knowledgeable and qualified recreational leaders. The schools have promoted and supported the project and a stronger partnership with Landcare has developed.

Author: Fiona Luckhurst

Key facts

  • Seven children aged between 9-12yrs participating in the first program
  • Dunedoo Coolah Landcare has become a registered Active Kids Provider
  • School Teachers and qualified recreational instructor developed an 8 week active recreational and learning program
  • Partnership with Schools developed
  • Participants able to access Active Kids program rebate