Recognition Reconciliation Renewal

Dunedoo Bicentenary event promotes Reconciliation, Biodiversity and builds resilience for the future

Collaborations - LP003 - 007

The issue

The Bicentenary of Dunedoo in 2022 was used as an opportunity to promote biodiversity, build community cohesion and resilience and work with Reconciliation. The theme of Recognition, Reconciliation and Renewal was developed which set the framework for recognising the past -Indigenous and settler history, working towards reconciliation and looking towards the future, celebrating our youth and supporting our environment.

The solution

A project team was developed and partnerships with local and regional organisations established. Funding was received from Planting Trees for the Queens Jubilee for tree planting and a formal ceremony. Additional funding was received from NSW Biodiversity Trust to run workshops and a Guided Bushwalk. Workshops included topics such as: Clay seed balls for native plant propagation, Local conservation projects and on farm benefits, Endangered Birds in our area, BCT Private Land Conservation and Bush Tucker.  Local schools and community groups were engaged to actively participate in the days events. Three mature Kurrajong Trees were transplanted to Milling Park Dunedoo as part of the project. Tube stock were also planted at the Dunedoo Woodlands Learning Centre. A Welcome to Country was conducted, along with a Smoking Ceremony and a Bush Tucker morning Tea and Barbeque were provided. The main event was held in partnership with Made n Grown Markets and free potted Kurrajong Trees were provided to interested people. The local historical society held a museum open day. A formal ceremony was held and speakers provided interesting insights into local history and the environment.

The impact

The Bicentenary was a great celebration for the community and had many positive benefits. It was an opportunity to build reconciliation , raising awareness and educating about Indigenous History, culture and Bush Tucker. It provided environmental education and opportunities to be involved in tree planting activities. It brought the community together with a sense of celebration -recognising the past, working towards reconciliation and looking with hope to the future.


The project included the transplanting of three mature Kurrajong Trees using the Henley Method. This was a great success. Signage describing the methodology has been installed. Within three months of planting the trees have a beautiful canopy.

Author: Fiona Luckhurst

Key facts

  • Partnerships bring diversity and resources to projects.
  • Community events utilised to support environmental learning and experience.
  • On the ground reconciliation events promote community cohesion.
  • It is important to recognise the past, act in the present and look with hope to the future. This helps build resilience.

Project Partners