Working bee
If you'd like to do more for your community or meet new friends, joining in might be for you. Come meet us at a working bee on the 1st Wednesday of each month 8am at the container. Email or call us if you don't know where it is (it's hard to miss).
- Working bee
- 2018-01-03T08:00:00+11:00
- 2018-01-03T12:00:00+11:00
- If you'd like to do more for your community or meet new friends, joining in might be for you. Come meet us at a working bee on the 1st Wednesday of each month 8am at the container. Email or call us if you don't know where it is (it's hard to miss).
03 Jan, 2018 from 08:00 AM to 12:00 PM (Australia/Sydney / UTC1100)
Welcome all 'not so grim' reapers.
Prickly pear is our first priority as it is in a small area and best nipped in the bud now. Meet at the container, with sturdy shoes, hat, gloves (not for the pear but for tools), sunscreen, water and enthusiasm! The sort of tools you might care to bring along could be long handled tongs, chipping hoe, shovel/spade, plastic bucket, secateurs, mattock, pitch fork, scythe ...
The dump is not open on a Wednesday but we can load up (ute & trailer?) ready for dumping on the Thursday.
Following this chore, on our monthly working bees we would like to do “sweeps” of areas where trees were planted by the three Green Army teams. Collection of excess tree guards and stakes need to be done and we would like to see these sites tidied up of any aberrant weeds as well. Of course anyone is welcome any time to pitch in and do a bit on the ground.