Project on the Dungog Common to manage erosion and reduce sediment loss, improve grazing management, and manage and enhance vegetation communities.
This is a small and separate area which was included in the Dungog common when Crown Lands handed the 600+ acres over to the management of a trust in late 2014. Heavily infested with many species of introduced weeds but also hosting lots of nice native species as well. The newly formed Dungog Common Land Care group decided to make this small area it's target and work will begin as soon as Hunter Water rectifies a near by leaking water pipe. There is so much promise to improve a degraded area without being totally over whelmed by many acres.
The LLS Lower Hunter Biodiversity Program 2016 - Dungog Common will commence early in March 2016 and be a great boost to actions already being undertaken at the common to increase biodiversity, to make the common more attractive for locals and visitors alike and to see the use of the common enhanced for casual walking , mountain biking and horse riding.