Managing Sediment Export and Grazing on the Dungog Common Recreation Reserve

Project on the Dungog Common to manage erosion and reduce sediment loss, improve grazing management, and manage and enhance vegetation communities.

Project Aims/Objectives

• Address identified erosion areas to reduce sediment loss from the Common
• Develop and implement strategic, sustainable gazing to maintain groundcover and pastures
• Protect, restore and enhance Common Creek to improve water quality and riparian biodiversity
• Manage and enhance native vegetation communities to maintain their integrity and increase biodiversity on the Common
• Engage stakeholders and the local community in sustaining the values of Dungog Common.

Project Activities

• Erosion control works eg: diversion banks, cross banks, check dams, rock flumes
• Fencing – creek protection, rotational grazing
• Revegetation – creek; part of erosion remediation; biodiversity
• Weed control
• Habitat restoration
• Stock water improvements – dam upgrades/maintenance, new dam/trough installation/s
• Flora and fauna surveys
• On-site educational signage along walking tracks
• Generation of a Dungog Common visitors map/brochure.

Project Timeframe and Phases

Timeframe = July 2016 to March 2018
PHASE 1: Form project working group. Finalise Project Management Plan, Communications and Media Plan, Monitoring and Evaluation Plan.
PHASE 2: Initial project publicity and media promotion.
PHASE 3: Develop Erosion and Sediment Management Plan. Develop and submit Environmental Trust application for Hungry Hill project.
PHASE 4: Stakeholder workshop/consultation
PHASE 5: Develop Grazing Management Plan and Vegetation Management Plan. Start implementing Erosion and Sediment Management Plan.
PHASE 6: Implementation of Grazing and Vegetation Management Plans.
PHASE 7: Hold public events at the Common to highlight project work.
PHASE 8: Project completed.
PHASE 9: Final project report.
