Broken Head HCV Coastal Wetland Sclerophyll & Rainforest Restoration 2013 - 2016 – Linnaeus Landcare (EnviTE Administrator)

NSW Environmental Trust

The capacity of Linnaeus Landcare and landholders to restore high conservation value vegetation being degraded by weeds will be improved through working with professional bush regenerators.  Works will enhance a rich coastal vegetation mosaic including wetland, wet sclerophyll, subtropical and littoral rainforest communities over 200 ha (restoration area 20 ha) at Broken Head. This includes EECs and habitat for significant populations of threatened species including Smooth Davidsons Plum, Stinking Cryptocarya, Scented Acronychia, Rusty Plum and White Laceflower. Vegetation Restoration Plans will guide works. Training events will be held to develop community skills and capacity. Restoration work in this identified key habitat and wildlife and climate change corridor will enhance connectivity of significant habitats.