Rehabilitating/restoring endangered lowland subtropical rainforest 2012 – 2017 Big Scrub Landcare. NSW Environmental Trust Community Bush Regeneration Program

NSW Environmental Trust

This multi-stakeholder project involves:

a)    regenerating and improving the ongoing health, resilience and ecological connectivity of 640 ha of critically endangered lowland rainforest of subtropical Australia, which is habitat for  > 70 threatened species,

b)    improving the capacity of and engaging through community plantings the members of Big Scrub Landcare and Bangalow River & Land Care, two local community groups whose primary purpose is to undertake environmental works in their local area to protect, restore and enhance the environment and

c)    engaging these members and the broader community and enhancing their knowledge of endangered lowland rainforest, including its unique biodiversity values, its critically endangerd status and to motivate them to aid its restoration by caring for remnants and regenerating rainforest on their proiperties.

Lowland rainforest is being restored over six years in Nightcap National Park including the Big Scrub Flora Reserve and Minyon Falls and in the Rocky Creek Dam area.