Restoring high conservation value habitats & corridors in NE NSW 2012 – 2015 Nature Conservation Trust of New South Wales (EnviTE Administrator)

NSW Environmental Trust

Professional bush regenerators are restoring high conservation value ecosystems on three properties protected by Nature Conservation Trust (NCT) Trust Agreements (conservation agreements). Habitat for threatened flora & fauna, and EECs is threatened by weeds. At Limpinwood lowland rainforest, key habitats and wildlife corridors are being impacted by vine weeds and woody weeds. At Chillingham maidera vine, lantana, coral berry and devils fig are threatening lowland rainforest and wet schlerophyll forest in a wildlife corridor. At Uki riparian rainforest and wet sclerophyll forest is being degraded by camphor laurel, lantana, ochna and privet. All landholders are committed to biodiversity conservation. A partnership between NCT, EnviTE Environment and landholders, involving community education, will restore habitat for threatened flora, fauna and ecosystems.
