Susan Island Remnant Lowland Rainforest Restoration 2012 – 2014 The Susan and Elizabeth Islands Recreation Reserves Trust (EnviTE Administrator)

NSW Environmental Trust

EnviTE Environment Bush regenerators have been contracted to restore lowland rainforest on Susan Island including Reserve Trust land and the adjacent Nature Reserve. Located on the Clarence River in Grafton, Susan Island is of high conservation value covering 90 ha of which 23ha  is remnant subtropical lowland rainforest. This is the last remaining viable sized stand of this community type in the Clarence Valley. Implementation of systematic bush regneration works will stimulate natural regeneration and improve the health and connectivity of vegetation improving native flora and fauna habitat. Weeds, particularly vine weeds and Lantana, are restricting natural regeneration and growth of native species. Field days will showcase works and develop community awareness of the significance of subtropical lowland rainforest and the threat posed by weed infestation