Yarrawarra Lowland Rainforest Restoration at Sherwood Nature Reserve Protecting Our Places Program 2013 – 2015 Yarrawarra Aboriginal Coorporation EnviTE Administrator

NSW Environmental Trust

The Yarrawarra Girriin Green Team and an EnviTE bush regeneration mentor are restoring Lowland Subtropical Rainforest at Sherwood Nature Reserve. Work will implement recommendations of the Sherwood Nature Reserve Management Plan in a landscape of cultural significance to Aboriginal people. Mentoring and education of Aboriginal bush regenerators and increased community awareness of the Aboriginal cultural heritage value of Sherwood Nature Reserve will be facilitated by the project.  The project is supported by NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. Weeds, particularly Lantana, are restricting natural regeneration and growth of rainforest. Systematic bush regeneration works will control weeds and stimulate rainforest regeneration.