As pretty as a picture

Regeneration of Pretty Point post bushfire

Capacity to Deliver - LP037 - 002

The issue

Pretty Point is a tranquil spot in the middle of suburbia. The 7.5 hectare bush headland has been prized by the surrounding community for decades. Unfortunately, the headland haven was hard hit by intense bushfire on New Years Eve 2019, with almost all vegetation lost. Just a few eucalypts were left standing, a last testament to the visionary community who had planted them 30 years previously as part of the McKenzies Beach Landcare group.

The solution

McKenzies Beach Landcare group applied for funding from the Landcare Australia Bushfire Recovery Fund. They were successful, obtaining $14,500 to help restore the natural haven of Pretty Point. The project focused on:

  • replanting vegetation that provides food and habitat for endangered species in the area,
  • installing nest boxes for shelter while the headland recovers, and
  • assisting bush regeneration specialists contracted to control the many opportunistic weeds that have erupted from the barren earth.

The impact

McKenzies Beach Landcare group rallied nearby neighbours to assist with revegetation, planting close to 900 native trees and shrubs. Landcare volunteers and contractors conducted weed control across 6 hectares on Pretty Point to treat emerging weed threats. Fifteen nest boxes were erected on viable standing trees and 3 botanical surveys were conducted, which showed great recovery of flora post fire, including the discovery of the rare native Hibiscus richardsonii.

Sheila Box, long time local and the current coordinator of McKenzies Beach Landcare group says that the original vision for Pretty Point was to "create a haven for birds and animals, a place where the trees that we planted would one day be full of life". This vision began over 30 years ago. Even though the headland has been severely burnt "there are still places where you can find beauty, and quiet, and enjoy the view" and the vision of the group continues to this day.

Author: Emma Patyus

Key facts

  • 7.5 ha bushland reserve, Pretty Point, was severely impacted by the 2019 New Years Eve bushfire
  • This reserve has been cared for by the local community for over 30 years
  • The group rallied together to obtain funding to assist with much needed bushfire recovery
  • Volunteers planted native plants, erected nest boxes and conducted much needed weed control to continue to protect Pretty Point

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