Connecting the dots
Adding diversity to Landcare activities
Stronger Together - LLCI028-003
The issue
Many groups were suffering from 'weed fatigue' - whereby their main activity for several years has been controlling invasive species. A common theme when talking to groups were that they were tired of treating the same species in the same locations.... and could do with a bit of diversity. This would help them twofold - assisting with keeping lesser mobile members engaged and making working bees more appealing.
The solution
There are many tremendous volunteer groups already out in the community creating positive and lasting social and environmental change - we chose to partner with existing groups that had outcomes that aligned with our Landcare ethos. For Eurobodalla Landcare Network we were able to partner with;
Boomerang Bags
Local Men's Sheds
The Lions Club
Tangaroa Blue
Bushwalking clubs
Department of Corrections
Multiple local School groups
The impact
Not only could we double (and sometimes triple!) our workforce we were also able to offer our existing members and opportunity to become involved in activities that are diverse, interesting and applicable to local issues.
Many of our ageing Landcarers are finding it harder to conduct on ground work such as weed treatment and tree planting - by offering them a range of activities such as sewing reusable bags, building nesting boxes or litter collection data entry we were able to retain members that may otherwise have left Landcare.
Partnering also gave our members a chance to meet new people, learn new skills and share their own skills and knowledge with other groups - spreading the Landcare message and reach.
Key facts
- Offering a range of Landcare activities to retain volunteers, maintain mojo and attract newbies
- Joining forces with partner organisations
- Includes (but not limited to!); Men's Sheds, Boomerang Bags, Tangaroa Blue, Bushwalker clubs, Department of Corrections and of course, Schools